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Aug 25, 2019 - 2 minute read - Comments - solution

Two Sum Problem


Given an array(array) and a number(sum), find the two numbers from the array that sums up the given number.

Example: array : [1,2,6,5,8,9,17,10] , sum : 12

Answer for above example would be [2,10], if no such numbers found return [-1,-1].

The approach to solve the given problem is to loop through the given array twice and make a simple check. If the sum of the numbers (first & second loop) is equal to the given sum, the code snippet below will make it clearer.

public int[] twoSum(int[] array, int sum) {
  for(int first = 0;first<array.length;first++){
     int firstNum = array[first];
     for(int second = first+1;second < array.length;second++){
       if(array[second] + firstNum == sum)
         return new int[]{firstNum , array[second]}; 
  return new int[]{-1,-1};

Time complexity

O(n^2) , n – size of array

Space complexity


Solving the problem wastes a tedious amount of time. Lets find some better approach.

If two numbers from the array are x and y then x + y = sum, that leads to the equation y = sum - x.

Using this equation to solve the problem. Storing the array elements into a hash map and while traversing through array , I’ll check if y is present or not in the hash map, if it’s present this means we have found the x and y values.

public int[] twoSum(int[] array, int sum) {
  Map<Integer , Boolean> markedNums = new HashMap<>();
  for(int first = 0;first<array.length;first++){
    int y = sum - array[first];
      return y > array[first] ? new int[]{array[first],y} : new int[]{y,array[first]};
  return new int[]{-1,-1};

Time complexity

0(n), n - size of array

Space complexity


Tags: algorithm java

Kruskal Greedy algorithm for Minimum spanning tree Two Sum Problem

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