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The theme’s short codes in action. See my shortcode repository at for more.
Today’s review of the compilation.
datas segment use16 str1 db "hello world!", 0dh, 0ah, "$" datas ends stacks segment use16 db 256 dup(0) stacks ends codes segment use16 assume cs:codes, ds:datas, ss:stacks start: mov ax , datas mov ds, ax lea dx, str1 mov ah, 09h int 21h mov ah, 4ch int 21h codes ends end start
I actually found that this code has a serious memory leak problem, but I didn’t bother to change it…
Implement overloaded equals = addition + subtraction-matrix multiplication * matrix power^ (using fast power algorithm) output «input», it will be more convenient to use, but it’s a bit long.
After checking the fast power algorithm for a long time, there is no ready-made one on the Internet, so I had to push it again, and first posted the fast power algorithm that is an integer:
In order for any complexity to arise in any system there simply must exist fundamental relationships. Mathematics is, of course, the language of relationships. The complexity of our universe necessarily arises out of mathematical relationships, however our universe is comprised of more than relationships; its structure extends beyond the realms of math.
The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Holographic Universe principals, and all other notions akin to “all properties of the universe are mathematical in nature” display profound misunderstandings about the capacity and nature of mathematics, as well as its relationship to physics.
Given an n + n bipartite graph, each edge has p base i,j p base i,j. The probability of occurrence of, find the probability that has a perfect match.
n ≤ 7,15s n ≤ 7,15s
Subtask: n ≤ 6,7s n ≤ 6,7s
Solution Shape pressure, 2^n Bit represents point X 2^n 2^n. Whether there is a perfect match for the subsets, each time the Y-square point is enumerated, a solution to the X-square point is connected.